This paper examines the views of US and European payers on the rapidly evolving fields of comparative effectiveness and relative effectiveness research.

Recently published is a paper examining the views of payers in the United States and Europe on the rapidly evolving fields of comparative effectiveness and relative effectiveness research. The paper, published in the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, is the result of a research collaboration between OHE and the Center for Medical Technology Policy (CMTP). The study was funded by a consortium of five pharmaceutical companies: Amgen, GSK, Lilly, Novartis and Sanofi.  

The study included interviews with and a survey of ‘key informants’ (senior officials representing public and private payers, HTA bodies and Government agencies), structured around hypothetical cases resembling drugs expected to create policy challenges by 2020. The key informants considered that randomised controlled trials will remain essential for providing evidence of therapeutic effect but anticipated that more of these would have pragmatic designs. They also predicted greater use of observational studies and of policy levers such as conditional reimbursement or prior authorisation to manage diffusion of new drugs. The authors conclude by suggesting ways to engage payers, manufacturers and regulatory agencies in discussions regarding key methodological trade-offs.

Reference: Moloney, R., Mohr, P., Hawe, E., Shah, K., Garau, M. and Towse, A., 2015. Payer perspectives on future acceptability of comparative effectiveness and relative effectiveness research. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 31(1-2), pp.90-98.

Download the full paper free-of-charge here.

Other papers resulting from this research collaboration between OHE and CMTP:

Towse, A., Garau, M., Mohr, P. and Messner, D.A., 2015. Futurescapes: expectations in Europe for relative effectiveness evidence for drugs in 2020. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Epub ahead of print). Download the full paper here.

Messner, D.A., Mohr, P. and Towse, A., 2015. Futurescapes: evidence expectations in the USA for comparative effectiveness research for drugs in 2020. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Epub ahead of print). Download the full paper here.   

Messner, D.A., Towse, A., Mohr, P. and Garau, M., 2015. The future of comparative effectiveness and relative efficacy of drugs: an international perspective. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Epub ahead of print). Download the full paper here

For more information on OHE’s research in this area, please contact Adrian Towse or Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz.