This is part one of two posts containing posters and presentations by members of the OHE team at ISPOR’s 21st Annual International Meeting held in Washington DC, 20-25th May 2016.

ISPOR’s 21st Annual International Meeting was held in Washington DC, 20-25th May 2016. Several members of the OHE team attended and contributed to the conference. This is the first of two posts containing presentations and posters given by the OHE team.

Short summaries of each item can be found in a previous blog post.

Short course: Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Health Care Decision Making: Approaches & Applications

Martina Garau and Nancy Devlin contributed to the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) short course. Below are the slides from their section of the course: Using MCDA for HTA. Opportunities, challenges and possible ways forward.


Research Podium Presentation: Health Care Expenditure Series: Multi-Indication Pricing: Pros, Cons and its Applicability to the UK

Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz presented on the feasibility of implementing MIP in the UK.


Issue Panel: Multi-Indication Pricing: Do We Want It? Can We Operationalize It?

OHE’s Adrian Towse moderated this issue panel; please see his slides below. Adrian presented a European perspective on multi-indication drug including options from an OHE supported stakeholder forum.


Poster: Value of Transferability and Efficiency in HTA

This poster was designed by Bernarda Zamora and presented by Grace Marsden


Poster: Health Technology Assessment of Complementary Diagnostics: Issues, Options, and Opportunities

This poster was designed and presented by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz.  


Poster: Data Governance for Real-World Evidence: Cross-Country Differences and Recommendations for a Governance Framework

This poster was designed by Amanda Cole and presented by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz

For further information on any of these presentations please contact the OHE authors via our Meet the Team webpage.