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Just published is a new OHE Consulting Report entitled: Four Case Studies to Explore the Added Value of Oxford AHSN. The report provides evidence that the Oxford AHSN is capable of promoting high quality NHS care and delivering projects which improve patient outcomes, at a cost that appears to represent good value for money.
Just published is a new OHE Consulting Report entitled: Four Case Studies to Explore the Added Value of Oxford AHSN.
The Oxford Academic Health Science Network (Oxford AHSN) commissioned OHE Consulting and RAND Europe to explore the value of the various projects and programmes that the network has developed and implemented since it was established in 2013. In order to do this, OHE and RAND Europe conducted analyses of four case study projects:
- Anxiety & Depression Clinical Network: A targeted 5% improvement in recovery rates
- Maternity Clinical Network: Improving referral pathways for preterm babies
- Energy project: Quantifying the value of energy savings and carbon reduction
- Intermittent Pneumatic Compression: Increasing utilisation of IPCs in immobile stroke patients.
The four case studies were chosen as examples of areas in which the Oxford AHSN has played a crucial role in improving patient care, and areas in which analysis of added value is feasible. The analyses were designed to assess the added value of the Oxford AHSN in relation to the case study projects, rather than to assess the ‘cost-effectiveness’ of the treatments being used.
The report provides evidence that the Oxford AHSN is capable of promoting high quality NHS care and delivering projects which improve patient outcomes, at a cost that appears to represent good value for money.
This new publication presents a brief introduction to cost-effectiveness analysis plus the methods and results for the four case studies. Download the full report here.
For further information on Oxford AHSN please click here.
For further information on this report please contact Grace Marsden.