In June, OHE’s Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz participated as a speaker at the Summer Course on the Evaluation of Medicines at the University of Alcalá in Spain. His presentation discussed the nature of innovation in general and the incremental nature of pharmaceutical innovation in particular.

In June, OHE’s Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz participated as a speaker at the Summer Course on the Evaluation of Medicines at the University of Alcalá in Spain. His presentation discussed the nature of innovation in general and the incremental nature of pharmaceutical innovation in particular. He summarised the approaches of key European countries to valuing innovation in medicines and explained how actions by payers can affect the rate and direction of innovation.

This presentation is based in part on a recent OHE Consulting report, The Many Faces of Innovation, which is available for download here, and on Shah, K.K., Mestre-Ferrandiz, J., Towse, A. and Smythe, E.N. (2013)  A review of health technology appraisals: case studies in oncology. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 29(1), 101-109.

For additional information, please contact Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz.