Adrian Towse, currently President of ISPOR, contributed to two session at the recent ISPOR Asia-Pacific conference.

Using HTA to maximise health system performance: Health technology assessment (HTA) is familiar as a technique for gauging the value of specific medical technologies or approaches to care. As Adrian points out, however, HTA has a much broader, ‘macro’ role in contributing to the efficiency of health care systems and supporting universal health coverage. This is particularly crucial in the face of increasing demands and limited budgets.

Balancing cost and access using managed entry agreements

High-cost, innovative pharmaceuticals are one serious challenge for health care systems today. At a panel that explored how this might be addressed in Asia, Adrian identified the issues and discussed the potential role of managed entry agreements (MEAs) and performance-based risk-sharing arrangements (PBRSAs). In essence, these measures allow a new medicine to be marketed while additional data about its use in actual clinical practice are being collected. Implementing MEAs or PBRSAs can be difficult, he notes. Crucial to success are assessing local value and ensuring that measures are based on formal written agreements about MEAs and PBRSAs that clearly set out expectations and responsibilities for all stakeholders.

For additional information on these topics, please contact Adrian Towse.

Information about OHE’s expertise on PBRSAs is available by clicking here.