The presentations delivered by OHE at the HTAi Annual Meeting, June 2017, are available in this post.

A selection of the presentations delivered by OHE at the HTAi Annual Meeting 2017 held in Rome, Italy, 17-21st June 2017, are available below. The theme of the meeting was Towards an HTA Ecosystem: From Local Needs to Global Opportunities.

Adrian Towse participated in a symposium on: Resistance to Antimicrobials: A Call for Multi- Disciplinary Action: How Can HTA Help? The panel discussed how resistance to antimicrobials and a lack of new effective drugs is a wide-spreading medical threat.

OHE has also recently published a related Briefing, entitled: Assessing the Value of New Antibiotics: Additional Elements of Value for Health Technology Assessment Decisions. Access the report free here.

Karla Hernandez-Villafuerte gave a presentation on: Extrapolation from Progression Free Survival (PFS) to Overall Survival (OS) in Oncology. This presentation looked at the methods used to extrapolate PFS to OS in the field of oncology, as well as at the key limitations, weaknesses and gaps in the current literature and methods used to test PFS surrogacy. Access the full report on which this presentation was based here.

Martina Garau presented an empirical exploration of multi-criteria decision analysis: MCDA to Elicit Stakeholders’ Preferences in Italy. The Case of Obinutuzumab. This study provides an example of how stakeholders’ views can be quantified and captured in decision making in an explicit way. The full report is available here.

Grace Hampson presented the results of a review an example of HTA of an Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product by the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). The title of the presentation was Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products: Are Current HTA Methods Suitable? The full report on which the presentation was based is available for download here.

Bernarda Zamora gave a presentation on Access to Orphan Drugs in the UK and Other European Countries. This study compares the availability and access to orphan medicinal products across the EU, finding that more than half of centrally authorised orphan drugs were available in the selected countries, however their access is restricted by reimbursement policies (especially in the UK, Italy and Spain). Download the full report here.

Adrian Towse moderated a panel session on: Value Assessment of Multi-Indication Products: Practical Solutions and Steps. Adrian introduced the topic, noting that increasing numbers of new drugs have several indications. The challenge is to agree an efficient mechanism for HTA bodies, payers and manufacturers to get the maximum use of products with multiple effective indications at prices that reflect value to the health care system and are sustainable for R&D investors.

For more information on any of the above please contact the relevant author via our meet the team webpage.