Just published by OHE, this Seminar Briefing summarises remarks at an OHE Lunchtime Seminar by Dr James Chambers of the Center for the Evaluation of Value and Risk in Health at Tufts Medical Center. Compared to many other countries, cost-effectiveness analysis plays a limited role in US health care.

Just published by OHE, this Seminar Briefing summarises remarks at an OHE Lunchtime Seminar by Dr James Chambers of the Center for the Evaluation of Value and Risk in Health at Tufts Medical Center.

Compared to many other countries, cost-effectiveness analysis plays a limited role in US health care. In this publication, Dr Chambers reviews the current use of cost-effectiveness analysis in the US and explores the potential value of including it in decisions about coverage for medical technology, particularly under Medicare, the national public programme primarily for people 65 years of age and older. He reviews the barriers in the US – both legislative and otherwise – to wider adoption of cost-effectiveness evidence as a basis for health care decisions and notes attempts to use payment reform instead to increase incentives for greater efficiency.

Download: Chambers, J., 2014. Can the US afford to ignore cost-effectiveness evidence in health care? Seminar Briefing. London: Office of Health Economics.