OHE is pleased to be hosting not one, not two but three seminars over the coming weeks.

OHE is pleased to be hosting not one, not two but three seminars over the coming weeks.  Two are lunchtime seminars and one is in the late afternoon.  If you are interested in attending please contact Kerry Sheppard.

On the 18th of May at 12noon, Dr Patricia Cubi-Molla, Economist at OHE, will present on the relationship between age, utilities and self-reported health.  She will discuss the situation where central estimate of patients’ HRQoL available from clinical trials exceed that of the general population with the same age and gender, the implications of this for HTA and how to address this problem.  She will present reanalyses of the MVH EuroQol data to understand differences in self-reported HRQoL values across age groups, and the effect that age has on HRQoL valuations.

View the full seminar invite here.

On the 6th of June at 5pm, Prof Iain Cockburn, Richard C. Shipley Professor in Management at Boston University, and a Research Associate in the Productivity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program of the NBER, will present on patents, price controls, and the global diffusion of new drugs.  He will present an analysis of data on the timing of launches of drugs, and how patent and price regulation regimes affect the speed of market access.  He will show that price regulation delays launch, while longer and more extensive patent rights accelerate it. Health policy institutions and economic and demographic factors that make markets more profitable also speed up diffusion. The seminar will highlight the important role of policy choices in driving access to new products.

Prof Iain Cockburn’s seminar in now FULL.

On the 8th of June at 12noon, Dr Nicholas Hicks, Founder and Chief Executive of COBIC, will present on delivering an outcomes based NHS.  He will discuss how the NHS can embrace this by creating the right conditions.  Two practical attempts will be presented (a) defining value in terms of outcomes achieved / unit cost, and (b) multi-year population based outcome based commissioning. These attempts represent fundamental change, and practical implementation, Nick will describe how this has not always been straightforward.

View the full seminar invite here.

Please contact Kerry Sheppard if you wish to attend any of the seminars. Kerry will provide confirmation once she has received your request.  Note places are on a first come first service basis.