ISPOR’s 19th Annual European Congress was held in Vienna, 29 October – 2 November 2016. Several members of the OHE team attended and contributed to the conference. This post contains a summary of their activity.

ISPOR’s 19th Annual European Congress was held in Vienna, 29 October – 2 November 2016. Several members of the OHE team attended and contributed to the conference. This post contains their presentations and posters.

Plenary session: Differential Pricing of Medicines in Europe: Implications for Access, Innovation, and Affordability.

Moderator: Lou Garrison (University of Washington and OHE).

Speakers: Adrian Towse (OHE), Sabine Vogler (Austrian Public Health Institute), Jo De Cock (National Institute of Health and Disability Insurance), Elias Mossialos (LSE).

This plenary session explored options for a defined and systematic approach to promoting efficient differential pricing in Europe. 


Poster: A New Approach to Presenting Health States in Stated Preference Valuation Studies.

Authors: Amanda Cole (OHE), Koonal Shah (OHE), Brendan Mulhern (University of Technology Sydney), Yan Feng (OHE), Nancy Devlin (OHE).

This study tests the impact of changing the presentation of health states in valuation studies, using the EQ-5D-5L.


Presentation: Modelling the Impact of Reform to the Cancer Drugs Fund.

Authors: Sarah Britton (Karlsberg Schaffer) (OHE), Martina Garau (OHE), Phill O’Neill (OHE) and Simona Bianchi (ABPI).

This research estimates the number of current CDF indications that may be eligible for the new CDF following its reform.


Issues panel: Is Balancing Value Demonstration for Payer and Patient Interests a Feasible Notion?

Moderator: Kathleen Hughes (Avalere Health LLC).

Panellists: Adrian Towse (OHE), Sachin Kamal-Bahl (Pfizer), Alastair Kent (Genetic Alliance UK).

During this session panellists debated how addressing payer and patient interests simultaneously could impact research functions, including broader evidence generation, patient-reported outcomes development, and establishment of quality measures encompassing payer/patient perspectives.


Issues panel: Can We Really Compare and Aggregate Patient-Reported Outcome Data Between People and Settings? Implications for Clinical Trials and Health Technology Assessment.

Moderator: Nancy Devlin (OHE).

Panellists: Mike Herdman (OHE), Paula Lorgelly (OHE), Andrea Manca (University of York).

This panel looked at whether patient reported outcomes are truly comparable across different groups of individuals and the implications of ignoring heterogeneity.



For more information on any of the research presented here please contact the relevant author via our meet the team webpage.