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OHE’s Koonal Shah and Oliver Rivero-Arias presented at a NICE Technical Forum on the topic of valuing health in children and adolescents.
OHE’s Koonal Shah and Oliver Rivero-Arias recently presented at a NICE Technical Forum on the topic of valuing health in children and adolescents.
Economic evaluations of treatments for children have primarily used adult preferences when estimating health benefits using multi-attribute utility measures. Recent work has demonstrated that using adult value sets to inform preferences for health states experienced by children or adolescents is not appropriate, and this has raised doubts about the validity of such economic evaluations. Eliciting preferences to be used to inform decisions about health care for younger populations is challenging – it poses normative and practical questions about whose values should be collected, and from which perspective.
On 29th January, OHE’s Koonal Shah and Oliver Rivero-Arias of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (University of Oxford) presented on the topic of valuing health in children and adolescents at a NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) Technical Forum. Their presentation discussed some of the challenges in this area and provided an overview of recent research undertaken to generate preference-based values for the EQ-5D-Y, the ‘youth’ version of the EQ-5D. This included a discrete choice experiment study to obtain latent scale values for the EQ-5D-Y; and a comparison of adult and adolescent preferences over EQ-5D-Y health states. Preliminary findings from this research were presented by Koonal at the 2018 PROMs Research Conference and by Oliver at an OHE Lunchtime Seminar.
You can view the slides from the NICE Technical Forum below.
Generating preference-based values for the EQ-5D-Y to support its use in HTA from Office of Health Economics
For more information, please contact Koonal Shah.
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Herdman, M., Cole, A., Hoyle, C. K., Coles, V., Carroll, S. and Devlin, N., 2016. Sources and Characteristics of Utility Weights for Economic Evaluation of Pediatric Vaccines: A Systematic Review. Value in Health, 19, pp.255-266. DOI.
Kreimeier, S., Oppe, M., Ramos-Goñi, J.M., Cole, A., Devlin, N.J., Herdman, M., Mulhern, B., Shah, K.K., Stolk, E., Rivero-Arias, O. and Greiner, W., 2015. Valuation of EuroQol Five-dimensional Questionnaire, Youth Version (EQ-5D-Y) and EuroQol Five-dimensional Questionnaire, Three-level Version (EQ-5D-3L) Health States: The Impact of Wording and Perspective. Value in Health, 21(11), pp.1291-1298. DOI.
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