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NICE enough? Do NICE’s Decision Outcomes Impact International HTA Decision-making?

A COVID-19 vaccine is needed now, but timelines (12-18 months) create large market risk. By the time a vaccine is ready, the crisis may have passed. A CGD Note explores three options: business as usual – which may lead to promotion of an inferior vaccine or fierce country competition for supply – and two models (cost- or value-based), with countries pre-committing to purchases meeting specified efficacy. The authors prefer a value-based model.
A COVID-19 vaccine is needed now, but timelines (12-18 months) create large market risk. By the time a vaccine is ready, the crisis may have passed. A CGD Note explores three options: business as usual, which may lead to promotion of an inferior vaccine or fierce country competition for supply; two models (cost- or value-based), with countries pre-committing to purchases meeting specified efficacy. The authors prefer a value-based model.
A CGD Note published on the Center for Global Development website, co-authored by Rachel Silverman, Carleigh Krubiner, Kalipso Chalkidou and Adrian Towse, discusses options to fund a vaccine against COVID-19.
The Note points out that global leaders are realizing that we need a better toolbox to fight the novel coronavirus. A safe and effective vaccine would be enormously valuable, but the long development timeline (at least 12-18 months) creates large market risk for potential developers on top of substantial scientific risk. What if the disease dies out naturally (as happened with SARS or MERS), is fully controlled (like the 2014/2015 West African Ebola outbreak), or enough people contract it and recover to establish herd immunity, perhaps resulting from a managed strategy of using testing to enable social distancing measures to be relaxed and economic activity revived?
If we want industry to invest up-front in the risky, high-cost business of vaccine development and manufacture on the scale required, we need to offer a predictable market for an effective vaccine that offers both access for all and a reasonable return on investment – de-risking market (commercial) uncertainty while still expecting companies to absorb the scientific risk that their products may fail.
To understand the potential scope and appropriate application of demand-side incentives, the Note outlines a few important characteristics of the market for a theoretical vaccine:
Given this landscape, the authors discuss how a demand-side incentive could best be structured. The Note considers three scenarios:
The authors state that the MVAC offers a better route as it differentiates price according to efficacy, incentivising development and use of vaccines with higher disease prevention rates. Without value consideration, countries risk locking into purchasing inferior or cost-ineffective products, diverting scarce resources from other COVID-19 responses. Later, superior vaccines may be boxed out of the market if all funding immediately flows to a first, poor-value or minimally efficacious entrant. Adjustments can be made to ensure that push funding of a successful candidate is taken into account, and that value-based prices for HICs and MICs only apply to the volume required for innovators to get an appropriate return on investment, with much lower prices applying after that point, while also ensuring that vaccines are available at manufacturing cost for LICs.
The CGD Note is available for download at:
Related Research:
Chalkidou, K., Garau, M., Silverman, R., and Towse A. (2020). Blueprint for a Market-Driven Value-Based Advance Commitment (MVAC) for Tuberculosis. Center for Global Development. Available at: