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OHE staff recently attended AES and PROMs Summer 2018 conferences. In this blog post, we share a selection of our presentations.
OHE staff recently attended AES and PROMs summer 2018 conferences. In this blog post, we share a selection of our presentations.
R&D, Competition and Diffusion of Innovation in EU: The Case of Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs) for Hepatitis C from Office of Health Economics
Do EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L Capture the Same Changes in Quality of Life Over Time? A Longitudinal Study of Cancer Patients. from Office of Health Economics
Estimating the Effect of Personal Experience and Vicarious Experience on Time Trade-Off Valuations of Health States. from Office of Health Economics
Valuing the EQ-5D-Y Using a Discrete Choice Experiment: Do Adult and Adolescent Preferences Differ? from Office of Health Economics