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This Briefing summarises the results of a roundtable convened by OHE to discuss using HTA to assess biosimilars – including which methods are most appropriate in specific situations. Participating were ten experts: leading academics and representatives from the UK medicines regulatory agency, the three…
This Briefing summarises the results of a roundtable convened by OHE to discuss using HTA to assess biosimilars – including which methods are most appropriate in specific situations. Participating were ten experts: leading academics and representatives from the UK medicines regulatory agency, the three UK HTA entities, and the UK industry trade association. Background for discussion at the meeting included an OHE literature review and ABPI’s 2013 position paper on biosimilar medicines. The publication focuses primarily on discussion about recommendation five from the ABPI position paper: ‘Biosimilar medicines should be subject to health technology assessment processes in the UK’.
The publication reviews current policies towards HTA for biosimilars in the UK. It reports on the roundtable’s deliberations about when HTA for biosimilars is needed and which approaches are most appropriate in specific situations. The roundtable’s caution that biosimilars be prescribed by brand name and explicit agreement be obtained for substitution also is noted.
For other OHE publications on biosimilars, click here.
What is the Role of HTA for Biosimilars?