OHE Expert Profile
Claire Green
Claire has been working for OHE now for 15 years. She originally joined OHE as she was (and still is) passionate about decision–makers making the best decisions for their patients. The role has always been challenging and constantly evolving as such her skills have evolved as a result. She is trained in Managing the manager (very handy for managing upwards), Claire has a background in internet recruitment which ensures our roles reach a wide, diverse audience across the Globe. Claire is passionate about ensuring our clients experience exceptional service and she also enjoys working in compliance to ensure that our stakeholders and their information are protected. Claire has a Post Graduate qualification in Relationships which has been vital when thinking about how we communicate with others.
Claire has been recently working in the area of recruitment and results are our new recruits are the best in the industry. She regularly keeps abreast of new solutions/challenges that the role faces and tries to incorporate them into ways that she works.