OHE Expert Profile
Chris Skedgel
Chris has over 25 years of applied health economics experience in consulting and academia. His interests centre on the use of health economics to maximise the societal value of scarce healthcare resources, including economic modelling of outcomes and value–for– money, and stated preference methods to elicit patient and public values. Chris has more than 50 peer–reviewed publications on topics including cost–effectiveness evaluations, stated preference studies, methodological contributions, issue commentaries, and invited editorials.
He sits on the editorial board of Pharmacoeconomics and is an Honorary Research Fellow with the Health Economics Group at the University of East Anglia, UK. Chris has been a Lead Economic Reviewer for the pan Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR) and the Canadian Common Drug Review (CDR). Chris has a PhD in Health Economics & Decision Science from The University of Sheffield and a master’s degree in Development Economics from Dalhousie University, Canada.

Understanding societal preferences for priority by disease severity in England & Wales

Incorporating the Patient Voice in Health Technology Assessment

Individual, Health System, and Societal Impacts of Anti-seizure Medicine Use During Pregnancy

The Burden of Hidradenitis Suppurativa on Patients, the NHS and Society

After the Transplant: Potential Benefits for the NHS and UK Kidney Transplant Patients