OHE Expert Profile

Thomas Pogge

Having received his PhD in philosophy from Harvard, Thomas Pogge is Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs and founding Director of the Yale Global Justice Program. Pogge is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science as well as co-founder of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP), an international network aiming to enhance the impact of scholars, teachers and students on global poverty, and of Incentives for Global Health, a team effort toward developing a complement to the patent regime that would improve access to advanced pharmaceuticals for the poor worldwide. His publications include Pro-Poor Mountain Tourism, Routledge 2024; Designing in Ethics, co-edited, Cambridge 2017; Global Tax Fairness, co-edited, Oxford 2016; Politics as Usual, Polity 2010; World Poverty and Human Rights, 2nd edition, Polity 2008; Global Justice and Global Ethics, co-edited, Paragon House 2008; John Rawls: His Life and Theory of Justice, Oxford 2007; and Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right, edited, Oxford & UNESCO 2007. More information at https://campuspress.yale.edu/thomaspogge/

Professor Pogge was awarded the 2024 Innovation Policy Prize, read his full submission.

Thomas Pogge