OHE Lunchtime Seminar with Martin Chalkley, Centre for Health Economics at the University of York, and Jon Sussex, RAND Europe.
Professor Martin Chalkley (University of York) and Jon Sussex (RAND Europe) will lead an OHE Lunchtime Seminar on the topic of: Providing Health Care to NHS Patients: How Much Does Ownership Matter?
Googling “private ownership in the NHS” yields a host of links that reveal antipathy towards privately owned health care providers. There are also advocates of the role of the private sector who argue that private providers increase patient choice, reduce waiting times and drive efficiency improvements. The purpose of this seminar is to provide a view of this debate through the lens of economics and to see how far that helps resolve the question: Is private ownership of health care provision good or bad? Which supposedly economic arguments have validity and which do not?
Martin Chalkley is Professor of Health Economics and Director of the Health Policy programme at the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York. His research focuses on the role of payment systems and pay-for-performance in providing incentives for health care delivery.
Jon Sussex is Chief Economist at RAND Europe (a private, not-for-profit, policy research organisation) and Co-Director of its collaboration with the University of Cambridge: the Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research. His health economics research interests include the role of economic incentives in health care, the impact of private sector provision, and the economics of medical and life sciences research.
If you would like to attend this seminar please reply to Kerry Sheppard (ksheppard@ohe.org).
If you cannot attend in person but would like to join via webinar, please contact Amy Livingstone (alivingstone@ohe.org) for details.