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Anita Charlesworth – Chair of judging panel
Professor Anita Charlesworth has been a Trustee of the Office of Health Economics since June 2019 and currently serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees and Chair of the Policy Committee.
In her main role Anita is the Director of Research and the REAL Centre (Research and Economic Analysis for the Long term) at the Health Foundation, and Honorary Professor in the College of Social Sciences at the Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) at the University of Birmingham.
Anita is a health economist and has a background in government and public policy. Before joining the Health Foundation in May 2014, she was Chief Economist at the Nuffield Trust from 2010–14, where she led the Trust’s work on health care financing and market mechanisms. Prior to that she had roles as Chief Analyst and Chief Scientific Advisor at DCMS (2007–10), Director of Public Spending at the Treasury (1998–2007), and worked as an Economic Advisor at the Department of Health and for SmithKline Beecham pharmaceuticals.
Graham Cookson
Professor Graham Cookson is the Chief Executive of the Office of Health Economics and a Visiting Professor at City University, London.
Graham is an econometrician by training and is interested in the use of big data in health and life sciences research. His current research interests include the measurement and determinants of productivity in healthcare especially labour productivity; the industrial organisation of healthcare especially tariffs and competition; real-world evidence in health economic evaluation; and big data in the health and life sciences. He is best known for this work on the economics of staffing and skill mix in the English NHS, and this research was critical to the development of the NICE Guidelines on Safe Staffing.
Lotte Steuten
Professor Lotte Steuten is Head of Consulting and Vice President of the Office of Health Economics, and a Visiting Professor at City University, London.
Lotte’s research interest focuses on the development and application of health economic analysis and health technology assessment (HTA), with the aim to accelerate patient access to high value health care services and treatments. She specializes in quantitative methods for estimating and comparing the expected health and economic benefits of new approaches and interventions in disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment, and prioritizing data collection to efficiently build the evidence for new interventions. She is a member of the Board of ISPOR, served on the ISPOR Task Force on good practices in the use of Value of Information techniques and currently on the ISPOR Special Task Force for Value-Based Healthcare.
Chris Skedel
Dr Chris Skedgel is a Director of the Office of Health Economics and an Honorary Research Fellow with the Health Economics Group at the University of East Anglia, UK.
Chris has over 25 years of applied health economics experience in consulting and academia in Canada and the UK. His interests centre on the use of health economics to maximise the societal value of scarce healthcare resources, including economic frameworks to evaluate value-for-money and stated preference methods to elicit patient and public values. He has more than 50 peer-reviewed publications on topics including cost-effectiveness evaluations, preference studies, methodological contributions, commentaries, and invited editorials. He has been a Lead Economic Reviewer for the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR) and the Canadian Common Drug Review (CDR) and sits on the editorial board of Pharmacoeconomics.
Richard Torbett
Dr Richard Torbett is a Trustee of the Office of Health Economics and the Chief Executive of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) which he joined in July 2015.
Richard has spent the last 14 years working in the pharmaceutical industry. Immediately prior to joining ABPI he was the Chief Economist at the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and six years at Pfizer Inc., most recently as Senior Director and Head of International Affairs. Prior to joining the pharmaceutical industry, Richard worked as a government economist. He was a Senior Economist at the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in the UK. As a Government official, he held a number of posts at DTI, Cabinet Office and the European Commission. Richard has degrees in economics from the University of Sussex and the University of Grenoble. He completed his PhD at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex in 2001.
Bhaven N. Sampat
Bhaven N. Sampat is an economist by training, a Professor at the Department of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University, and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).
Bhaven has written extensively on life science and pharmaceutical innovation policy, including work on U.S. pharmaceutical patenting, brand-generic competition, gene patents and follow-on innovation, the globalization of patent protection, academic entrepreneurship, the roles of public sector in pharmaceutical innovation, and the politics and economics of the NIH. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board at Milbank Quarterly, the Steering Committee of the NBER Innovation Information Initiative, and the Steering Committee of Columbia’s Precision Medicine and Society Initiative.
Mireia Jofre-Bonet – Prize Manager
Mireia Jofre-Bonet is Head of Research and Vice President of the Office of Health Economics and remains associated to the Department of Economics and the City Health Economics Centre at City, University of London.
Mireia is an economist specialised in health economics. She has worked on a broad spectrum of Health Economics subjects including Lifestyle and Health Behaviour Decision Making. Mireia is a Senior Associated Researcher at LSE Health Policy (London School of Economics and Political Sciences), collaborates with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, belongs to the London International Development Centre, and is an Expert Advisor for the NICE Centre for Guidelines and the ESRC Peer Review College.